Strengthening Midwifery, Maternal, Neonatal, Child, and Adolescent Health Across Pakistan

On behalf of the Midwifery Association of Pakistan (MAP), Dr. Rafat Jan, President of MAP, along with the National Leadership, including the Director Generals of Nursing from all provinces and Kashmir, welcomed the Guest of Honor, Dr. Shabana Saleem, Director General of Population, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (MoNHSR&C), the Chief Guest, Dr. Farhana Memon, RMNCH+N Lead, PD-Sindh LHW Program and Dr Rubina Ali, Deputy Representative UNFPA. Esteemed participants from the government, director nursing and midwifery; and key stakeholders in the field of midwifery and healthcare, including representatives from UNFPA, MAP, ICM, and the Dean of AKU-SONAM, gathered to engage in meaningful discussions.

The meeting began with remarks from Dr. Shabana Saleem, who outlined federal midwifery initiatives aimed at advancing midwifery education and practices. Following this, Dr. Farhana Memon provided valuable insights into the midwifery initiatives currently underway in Sindh. As the discussions progressed, participants emphasized the importance of increasing both national and international visibility for midwifery, while also exploring nomenclature and higher education and practice initiatives in regions such as AJK, Balochistan, KPK, Punjab, and Sindh. Central to the discussions was the advocacy for midwifery professionals, highlighting the need for expanded responsibilities, including signal functions and medication orders.

Together, we are committed to achieving better healthcare outcomes and ensuring that every mother and child has access to safe and skilled care.

Let’s continue the conversation and work together for a healthier future!
