Viewing the high maternal and under five child mortality, and in an attempt to achieve MDG 4 and 5 the need for Midwifery Association of Pakistan (MAP) was identified through a national poll from all midwives in 2005, and in the same year MAP was established with the assistance of NCMNH and MCWAP, Sindh.
MAP is registered under Societies Act of Pakistan, XXI of 1860 since its inception, and is a Member of International Confederation of Midwives since 2006. MAP has six chapters 4 in Punjab, 1 in KPK and 1 in Baluchistan, with approximately 1000 active members

The vision is to have empowered and competent midwives ensuring safe motherhood across Pakistan.
MAP is a platform for strengthening the midwifery position through capacity building and advocating the midwife’s role for healthy mothers, babies and families.

- The main objectives of MAP include assisting government and Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council in Participate with government in improving standards of midwifery education and practice both in public and private sector in Collaboration with government and Pakistan nursing and Midwifery Council in developing a human resource plan for training and utilization of midwives.
- Providing in service trainings, refresher courses to its members and non-members SBAs, working in any field of maternal and Newborn care
- Lobbing for a proper career structure and better working conditions for the midwives and promote participations of Midwifery leaders in decision making
- Safeguarding the rights of licensed midwives to practice their profession in a health facility or in the community.
- Advocate the rights of the women for safe and respectful maternity services.
- Promote MNCAH services from grass root level utilizing Midwifery led care models
Five Years Strategic Planning Of MAP
- Strengthening the governance structure by establishing Executive Board and formulating By Laws.
- Strengthening the human and financial resources management and infrastructure of MAP.
- Developing new membership and strengthen leadership, through introducing MAP to all midwife students in schools.
- Reinforcing the main functions of MAP including advanced practice and capacity building, and developing regulatory mechanism.
- To work for midwives advocacy and strive for recognition of midwifery as an independent Profession by the government and in policy making matter.
- Enhance collaboration, partnerships, and networks and heighten MAP’s and midwives visibility, and image building through media.
- To work on MAP’s sustainability through resource mobilisation and enhancing the fund raising capabilities of active chapter members.