06 December 2014
In December 2014 the third face to face meeting of Midwifery Association of Pakistan took place at Mehran hotel Karachi. The main highlights of this meeting are as follows :
The data base of active and inactive MAP members was shared with the board and it was identified that MAP’s previous membership was initiated during TACMIL Health Project and consisted members mostly from Punjab but unfortunately those members could not retain their membership and hence all those membership became inactive.
However after transition of MAP leadership, new members were enrolled during the IDM and midwifery conference in May 2014. Few new members were also enrolled during field visits of practicing midwives clinical and midwifery schools. According the data base MAP contains 72 new members who have active membership of at least 2 years.
It was also shared with the board that it require resources like salary, transport and calling cards for person who is hired for membership portfolio, which MAP may not afford and therefore all the board members are requested to play their roles in making new members. board members attending conferences and training are requested to advocate for MAP there and invite community midwives to become MAP members likewise Board members who are principles and faculty of schools of midwifery may enroll their midwifery students as MAP members.
The next update shared with the board members was related to MAP new website which was renewed by Mr. Hatim Dabbawala, CEO, Bohra Developers who was invited to present the website to the board. Board members approved the website which will be officially launched by the end of the December 2014.
Farzana Zulfiqar showed willingness, and they agreed to develop the ToR s for the committee by the end on December 2014. The board members were also invited to share news, events stories, blogs and midwifery related activities at the website. It was also shared that awards for best midwifery students and best practicing midwife will also be initiated which will be announced through website every month the website committee was given the task to develop the criteria for the awards.
The third update given to board was related to MAP partners which particularly include Ipas and UNFPA. Board was informed that MAP and Ipas have agreed for three joint activities including the networking meeting of midwives/ LHVs and doctors which was held in October 2014, the consultative meeting for forming a reproductive group in Sind similar to the one in Punjab, and the IDM celebration 2015. Members were also informed about MAP- UNFPA collaboration in form of seed grant with which expense related to the website, salary of two human resource for MAP, and procurement including two desk tops, one laptop, one printer and one photocopy machine is managed. Board was also informed that it is high time for MAP to have its own office for which issues like safety and affordability was discussed
Human resource and finance policy document was share with the board for approval, The document was sent to all the members via email and members were requested to give their approval for the document till 15 December 2014. MAP organogram was also shared with the board, and members were asked for their suggestions regarding the updated fees for MAP membership which was decided to be PKR 2000 for 3 years membership.